How to write a white paper for the first time

How to write a white paper for the first time in 7 practical steps

Do you want to learn how to write a white paper as a freelancer? Well. this article teaches exactly that  

New to this form of writing, I am sure you are not even aware of the basics and the glitches to take care of while writing a White Paper.

As a freelancer, being versatile and open to various forms of writing unlocks doors to several opportunities. White paper is another form of writing that can be mastered if you follow a certain process. 

It may not be as easy as devouring a soft chocolate cake, but it’s not as difficult as making one either.

It’s all about knowing that perfect recipe. You know it’s an awesome one as soon as it comes out hot and fresh right from the oven.

Imagine, had it been that easy and every second writer was able to produce a copy worthy enough, then it wouldn’t have been one of the highest-paying writing gigs in the market of content writing.

Get hold of the rights’ and wrongs’ of writing a white paper and you will for sure be able to produce that perfect copy. Give your clients another reason to fall in love with your writing skills all the more.

Let’s dive into this wonderful journey of learning how to write a white paper together and come out with flying colors.

Make sure you tag along till the end of the tutorial for that balanced recipe. You know you cannot afford to miss out on a point or two.

Let’s jump right in:

What is a White Paper

What Is A White Paper?

Starting from the start, let’s first be clear about what is a white paper.

A white paper is a technical or scientific document that provides unbiased information about a certain business problem and its solution to help the customer make the buying decision.

They are a strategic representation of compiled data, facts, and figures written in a technical way that backs your theories with statistical evidence without giving a personal opinion.

The content is written keeping in mind a specific set of audience and should be written in a way that keeps the reader hooked to the write-up.

White Papers act as marketing collateral that teaches and informs’ prospects about a product, service, or technology,  The ultimate goal for creating these white papers is to sell that particular product or service to them.

Types of white paper

Types Of White Paper

There are 3 types of White Paper:

  1. Technical-  A technical white paper specifies how a problem can be solved by using a particular technological process. These white papers are broadly supported by flowcharts, tables, screenshots, etc.
  2. Product Comparison- This kind of white paper is written for an audience that knows which product to buy but has not decided on a particular brand. The white paper shows the comparison between brands so that decision-making becomes easier.
  3. How to (solution-based)- This white paper gives a solution to the problem which many people in the industry are facing. If there is a complex method to solve a particular problem and one cannot resort to a blog post to educate his audience then this kind of w white paper is written.
How to write a white paper

How To Write A White Paper?

Finally, we come to the most awaited topic of the article; how to write a white paper?

When you will start writing your first white paper, the starting may feel a bit challenging, but by the end of the article, you will realise that it takes only a bit of planning and methodology to get it done right. 

It does not require you to spend oodles of time or energy. Only some tactics and you will be able to deliver a quality white paper; just like that.

To be an expert in writing a white paper, you will only have to make one attempt to do it correctly.

So here we go:

We divide this process of how to write a white paper into two categories:

  • Preparation
  • Writing (Outline and Structure)
Preparation of how to write a white paper


Before we put pen to paper or just let’s say we start writing, we need to prepare and set the field, so that the journey is smooth with no hiccups in between when we move for the run.

  • Identify and ascertain your target audience:

As a very crucial part of the process, you will have to resist the urge for creating a white paper for multiple audiences. Involve the marketing and sales team of your client to get a clear picture of what your target audience is.

Give a thorough check on which stage are they (your target audience) in the buying process? Are they the decision-makers? If not, then what influence will they have in deciding for the company?

Keeping the above in mind, note that a white paper is meant to suffice the following:

  • Strategic: How is the product better than the competitors?
  • Technical: Mentions details of product functionality, compatibility, its amalgamation and guarantee
  • User friendly: Mentions how the product will affect the daily workflow of the buyers of the business. 

Your white paper may be an excellent piece of writing. But if it is meant for the wrong audience, then it might fall.

  • Determine White-paper objectives and Goals:

One of the most basic but relevant questions that you should have an answer to is- Why are you writing this white paper? What do you wish to achieve after writing it? It could be any (maybe all) of the following:

  • For generating sales leads.
  • How is your client’s product better than its competitors? Competition Comparison.
  • To demonstrate leadership in the market
  • To promote your technical staff as subject-matter experts
  • For educating your clients about new technologies

Make sure you align your content keeping the objective in mind.

  • Determine the Call-to-Action that you would want your audience to take: 

The content should relate and lead to e definite Call-to-action. The context should clearly state the purpose of the white paper and what would you like the reader to do after reading the white paper.

Having a clear idea and the purpose defined in your mind. will make writing easier and to the point.

  • Determine what is in it for the reader who does not take any action:

Yet another point to be kept in mind: what value are you giving to your reader who does not take any action? Maybe he does not buy the current product but could be a prospect for your client’s other products or services.

Set it right and there is a clear way ahead.

  • Raw Data

In the case of white papers, the raw data will be given by your client only but you can double-check if you have the following from them:

  • Success stories of customers after using your client’s products
  • Interviews of customers that are not published anywhere
  • Narratives of the sales and customer service teams of your client’s company
  • Quantitative and qualitative data, statistics, facts and figures that can support your white paper (these are the most important part of your white paper)

You could also go-ahead to do some research of your own on google but since white papers are company-specific it will not be needed. 

How to write a white paper

Writing (Outline and Structure)

How to write a white paper “the 7 step guide”

1. Headline

A headline is the first thing that attracts the reader to the white paper. It should clearly convey what should the reader expect in the article.

It should give clear value in the first instance and urge the reader to read through the whole article.

Here are a few things that you can consider while choosing your headline:

  • Menton the benefit your reader is likely to get: This is a reason good enough for the reader to gain interest in the white paper. A hard statistic or an action verb adds to weightage the headline even more.
  • Make it look professional: Make sure the headline does not look casual, as a white paper is a professional document and people look forward to ingenuity.
  • Make it direct: Try including a number in your title or ask a question like how or why. It gives your article the direction it needs and a clear insight to the reader of what can be expected out of the white paper.

Just make it a point that your content does complete justice to the headline of your white paper. It says 4 solutions to a problem, then make sure you get into the details of all four problems. Only giving a paragraph on all 4 problems will do no good. 

2. Abstract

An abstract contains a precise summary of the complete article. It briefly describes the main points of a white paper in one paragraph.

At times the reader reads only this abstract and the conclusion to find out whether the white paper matches his needs or not. 

An abstract should be able to give a clear indication on the following points:

  • The reader should be able to relate to the problem they want to solve 
  • Get a clear idea of what they are about to read in the article
  • You should be able to build that trust factor that the content ahead will have an answer to all their questions. 

If the abstract looks compelling enough to the reader and grabs his attention, he will go ahead to read the full white paper.

3. Introduction- The Challenge

The introduction contains the present issues/problems/challenges that are being faced by people and why should steps be taken to solve that problem. 

Write a paragraph that describes the background of how that particular problem arose?

To create fear, go ahead to tell the readers that what can happen if proper measures are not taken to solve the problem.

4. The working of the product or service

We introduce the product and its working on a broader perspective in this segment.

The understanding of how a product/ service works is necessary for the reader so that in the next section when you describe the solution to the problem in detail then the reader is easily able to understand the concept.

He will easily be able to get it upfront of what you are trying to explain. 

Hence, don’t go into much detail but yes make the reader aware of what is about to come. 

5. The solution (highlight of the show)

Finally, we have the “ahem” moment wherein we describe how our product meets that particular challenge, we had discussed earlier. 

Give a detailed explanation that describes: 

  • How the solution works.
  • Why is our product the best solution to the problem? 
  • When can it be applied?
  • State competitive solutions, with your product taking an upper hand.
  • State theories and support the arguments with tables, charts and graphs.

Making engaging, conversational and impactful at the same time. This is the stage where you hit the bulls-eye. If the reader empathises with the solution then your client has his next customer walking up to him. 

Thus, sufficing the intent for which you have put in efforts to write this white paper.

6. Business Benefits

Add the cherry on the cake and justify the solution with the business benefits the reader can get.

After all, a customer looks forward to a product for that benefit only. Otherwise, why will they care? There are numerous things in the market, but a consumer gets attracted only when they see a strong benefit that the product has to offer.

Make sure to include the following:

  • Authentic reference to their return on investment
  • Conformity of the standards
  • They get value for money

7. Conclusion (The summary)

Sum it up, with a standalone section. A lot of readers read only the abstract and the conclusion. 

  • Compile the main points of the solution to the problem and the business benefits a customer will achieve. State them as if you are writing the minutes of a meeting.
  • Add a call to action over here. The client should know what they need to do after reading the white paper.

Provide a feedback mechanism and don’t forget to include a few sentences about your client’s company and its contact information.

Also, Learn How To Write A Case Study.


Things to remember while writing a white paper

Things To Remember When You Are Learning How To Write A White Paper For The First Time 

Always include the following:

  • The writing style should be balanced. It should neither be too technical nor too casual. It should be conversational and to the point.
  • The content should not look salesy. Remember we are talking about facts here, it’s not a sales pitch.
  • Check for clarity in your writing. Nothing should be left on assumptions. Avoid acronyms and jargon.
  • The content should be easy on the eyes and digestible. Hence, use pictures to reinforce your written message. Pictures help the readers identify named objects and understand the relation between them.
  • Use grammatically correct English without typographical errors and spelling mistakes. The audience you target for white papers is the educated class who will be able to pick even the minutest of errors.

The errors can make the white paper look shabby making the reader lose credibility and confidence in the company.

Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Do not use too advanced English while writing. Make it simple and understandable as the objective of writing a white paper is to educate and convince. Too much of an advanced vocabulary may make the reader lose interest in reading the white paper.
  • Do not miss the point as to why a white paper is being written. The content should have proper relevance.
  • Never confuse a white paper with a brochure. When a customer reads a white paper, then he is looking out for unbiased information and references. Make it up to the customer’s expectations. If the reader feels cheated then your white paper will achieve a negative impact.
  • Don’t neglect the business case. A reader is always interested to know how a product will benefit their business. Don’t forget to emphasize the same.
  • Avoid generalities. Talk about facts. If you generalise and describe things of common knowledge, it may drive intelligent readers away. We are talking about a specific problem and the specific solution. Make it apt.
Benefits of writing a white paper

Benefits Of Writing A White Paper

As discussed above white papers have a definite purpose to fulfil when they are made. If we are clear of why they are being made, the voice and the way of writing justifies the same

So here is listing down the key reasons:

To reach decision-makers

A decision-maker will prefer reading a white paper of a product/service, over a glossy brochure. The reason being that brochures scream out loud for sales wheres a white paper talks about facts backed with cold and hard statistics. 

Even if a white paper is much longer to read, the authorities will anytime consider a white paper over a brochure.

Educate prospects before a sales meeting 

White papers act as informers, who helps a user understand whether they require that product or not. If by studying a white paper, a customer calls a sales representative for a meeting then the deal is half-closed. 

If not, then it saves time for both; the sales representative and the customer.

A source to collect valuable sales leads

Prospects who value the information that a white paper provides and are interested in the line of products of a company then will willingly share their contact details with them. So the next time they have a product for sale, a white paper can be shared with the prospect. for a deal.

Internal Communication

At times, white papers act as training materials to educate the sales team of an organization. A white paper gives all the details of a product with real-time examples backed with technical data. 

It helps the sales personnel close sales deals in a more logical way which a customer can relate to and trust.  The prospect can understand that the salesperson is not talking in thin air, rather is full of confidence with valuable data to support his theories.

Signing off- How to write a white paper

Final Words

At last, we come to the end of this tutorial on how to write a white paper. 

So, does the chocolate cake smell fresh? When the taste buds are running miles, you need to bake that perfect delight to have them stop in their tracks. I bet, by now you know that nothing is impossible.

If I compare it with other forms of writing, then I find a white paper a more straightforward document wherein we are not beating around the bush.

Being a technical form of writing, we state just the facts. You don’t have to create that particular thrill in your writing. Just a balanced and systematic approach makes you an expert.

Readers of a white paper are of a different segment altogether. They love numbers, graphs, pie charts and tables. Give them that and see yourself getting flooded with loads of work, in turn making the figures of your bank balance multiplying every day,

I am sure the moment you searched how to write a white paper on google you knew nothing about it, but by now I hope I was able to burst the bubble that it is difficult.

Only an attempt is needed to write that first white paper of yours and you will love taking such assignments for the rest of your life.

Don’t believe me? Then give it a try.

Also, don’t forget to write a comment below to tell me if this article was a helpful one. I will love to hear back from you if I was able to make a difference.

Chao until next time.

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