How to be a freelance writer with no experience

How to Be a Freelance Writer With No Experience – A Complete Guide

Wondering how to be a Freelance Writer with no experience and make it big? 

Well. I was in the same place as you are, sometime back. 

With no experience in this field, I did not know how I would find my first client? How will people notice me?

I did want to pursue my dream job of writing, but not at the cost of quitting a job that earned my bread and butter. I knew I could write well, but the thought of starting afresh kept haunting and pulling me back. 

Is it a career where I can make it big? Is it possible to earn a decent living, working flexible hours? 

Well, the answer to all of this is YES (In CAPITAL and Bold). I don’t know how much, can I emphasise it more.

Moreover, it’s not the career line that decides your success. It’s how good you are in that field that determines your success. 

If you know you can do it, then you will. If a person like me was able to do it, then for sure you will.

We will unfold our fears, just like peeling the layers of the fresh onion- step by step. 

Let’s start from the start.

What exactly is content writing- How to be a freelance writer with no experience


Before starting our step-by-step guide on how to become a Content Writer, let’s quickly retrieve what exactly is Content Writing. 

“It is a combination of Planning- Writing- Editing content for a specific set of online readers”. 

Simple, isn’t it?

Not really.

With technology picking up speed, search engines are getting smarter. The readers want more.

Hence, Content Writing has spread its wings. Now Content does not limit itself to how good you are with words. It has a lot more to do. 

  • Researching
  • Identifying your audience
  • Writing
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly content creation
  • Content Marketing and so much more.

Companies/clients lookout for writers who create Content that can drive their sales funnels. They are more concerned about how much profit they will make, than how impressively a piece of content has been written.


Do some of the words above sound alien to you?

On the other hand, there will be questions popping up “I am just a content writer, why do I need to learn things other than writing?”

All the other things will add value to the content that you write. Knowledge of the rest of the skills will give you a competitive advantage over the others.

Take it this way: You have written a remarkable write-up, and no one reads it. That’s because you made no effort, to reach your audience. 

Therefore, writing the right way is what you need to learn. 

Here is revealing a secret- It’s not that difficult. 

By the end of the article, you will know everything about content writing and the way it works in today’s digital era. 

Before learning how to write, you will have to decide what you want to write.

This is the first step you take when you want to learn how to become a content writer. how to become a 

STEP-1 OF How to be a freelance writer with no experience


Content writing is vast. From everything you see on google to email newsletters in your inbox to brochures, pamphlets, books, and user manuals of products.

Everything is Content, written by experts. 

Below we will cover different types of writing that pay well in this industry. You can choose what kind of content you want to write about and master that particular type of writing.

Let’s get moving.



1. Long-form Blog Posts: 

These are well-researched articles written to educate your audience on the selected topic. The minimum word limit of these blog posts is 2000 words. They provide in-depth information and answers to almost all the questions on that topic.

The writing style is conversational. The writer should be able to make complex topics easy to understand for the reader.

The best part is that long-form blog posts are always in demand. If you have the basic SEO skills (we will talk about it later), you have a long way to go.

2. E-books: how to 

They come in two types:

Fictional- These are imaginative stories that are written mainly to entertain your readers. If your words have the skill to take your audience into a dreamland where they can visualize the experience, then this genre is for you.

Non- Fictional- E-books are written for a company so that they can use them as a marketing tool. It induces their brand value and goodwill, framing them to be experts in their field. E-books are used primarily for generating leads in a business.

Ebooks (Non-fictional) give a lot of helpful information to the readers. Hence it requires a lot of research. That is why it is a high paying job.

3. White Papers:

White Papers are a very strategic form of Content, written formally. It’s technical writing where the writer talks about facts without giving an opinion. 

White papers pinpoint a problem and then give solutions for the same. You are telling the reader how your company’s product can be helpful for him. 

It’s an indirect form of sales, where you are not pitching the customer to buy your product. You are only marketing the value of your product.

If you have a degree or understanding of any technical subjects, this is the right job for you.

Here Is A Complete Guide On How To Write A White Paper.

4. Case Studies:

Case studies are again a sales-driving funnel. Case studies are customer experiences rather than researched content and hence are more trustworthy.

Here, real-time uses of the products are presented as exciting stories to the customers. The writing style is format-based.

Challenge faced by the user- Solution given by the company – Results achieved by the user-Conclusion by the writer, for encouraging a buying decision.  

Case Studies are interesting and well-paying. 

You do not waste time on research. The company gives the data. Just let your creativity flow, and you are done.

Here Is A Complete Guide On How To Write A Case Study.

5. Email Writing

Challenging but pays off if you are good. 

Imagine your inbox and the weight it carries. That is the competition that you must overpower. 

As a reader, I am always desperate to delete the not-so-necessary e-mails and clear my inbox. Very few gather my attention to prompt me to even open the email.

Your e-mails should be impressive enough to be read and converted as leads. 

From a catchy subject line to the body of the mail, the content has a purpose, keeping up the reader’s expectations.

Newsletters are a part of writing emails, and man, they need to be very creative.

6. Sales Pages/Landing Pages

Creativity and copywriting skills are what you need here. You will need to create landing pages for websites wherein creative taglines need to be taken care of.

Compelling content for the home page, about us page or product page, needs to be created. Even opt-in pages for an E-book come under this category.

The primary purpose of your copy is to convert a prospect to a client.  

Mastering the art of copywriting before applying for this job is a must. Only if you have that creative instinct in you, choose this as your line of work.

7. Video Script Writing

Videos are becoming one of the most sought-after marketing strategies today. The booming rise of YOUTUBE is a live example.

Companies are looking forward to including videos on their websites (Home pages/sales pages). It makes it easier for them to explain their products and their work.

These videos need Content to be spoken. You could be the one writing it for them.  

The videos are becoming the No. 1 choice when people want to share their stories. They are a convenient way to convert leads into clients.

If you explore this opportunity to its total capacity, this is one of the best areas to enter. 

8. Ghost Writing 

Ghost-writing books are one of the highest-paying jobs in the content writing industry.

It includes short stories, self-published books on Amazon and traditional full-length novels.

As a ghostwriter, you lose two most valuable things- credit for your work and writing in your style.  The compensation for that is a high paying cheque. 

Ghost-writing books is a very tricky job. You need to understand the story/ idea running in your client’s mind and frame that into a book, in his style/voice.

When the book is released, it does not have your name on it. The full writing credit goes to your client.

9. SOP’s 

SOP (Statement of Purpose) is an application that a student needs to submit to a university, to seek admission. It describes a student’s career history and upcoming goals. The document helps professors to figure prominently, whether they should consider the admission or not.

It is written in the form of an essay following a particular format. 

Nowadays, a lot of students hire proficient writers to write this application. It serves as a Launchpad for their career path, hence they rely on experts. Getting your hands on this perfectly can pay big time. 

10. Technical writing 

When complex content is explained in a way that is easily understandable by a layman, it’s called Technical Writing. 

Connoisseurs from a tech background like engineers or scientists are experts in inventing a product. They know how to make it but do not know how to explain it. This is where technical writers come in.

Technical Writers, after understanding the complexities, frame documents like -user manuals, guides, reports etc in an easy-to-understand way. These documents instruct the customers on how they can use that product.

If you are from any tech background and want to enter writing, then technical writing should be your preferred domain.

You can select to master one or more of the above types of content. Start with exploring one of them and slowly you will realize which one will scale your career to exceeding heights.

how to be a Freelance Writer with no experience

STEP-2 of How to be a freelance writer with no experience



What is a Niche?

A niche is a topic (subject matter) that you choose to write for. Examples: Medical, health, technology, finance, etc. You need to select one and master it.

Why should I Pick a Niche- Is it essential?

I am a writer. I can write about anything and everything. Why do I need to pick up something and limit my boundaries? Why should I?

I had a bunch of questions when I was starting. 

Well, the answer to that is, when you are a jack of all trades, then you become a master of none.

This is why you need to pick up a niche and be an expert in it like no other. Only then will you see a good amount of money making its way into your bank account?

How Should I Pick up a Niche?

I was a confused mess, with an overload of information available on the internet and thousands of niches out there. How do I select one? 

It was indeed brain-cracking and I had to take two pills of a headache reliever to calm my throbbing nerves,

Thus, Just Relax.

Take it slow. Think of something you can relate to. It could be your educational background or your interest in a particular thing/subject. Something which gets you excited (it could be gadgets/ shoes/ clothing/ games/ sketching. Fitness, numbers, writing etc).

If you have found an answer to the above- then well done. YOU JUST ZEROED DOWN YOUR NICHE. 

 The more interesting you find a topic, the more you will love writing about it.

There are more than 3000 niches in the market, let’s discuss a few high-paying ones to make the concept a bit more clear.

1. Finance

This is an industry with a huge target audience. If you can bring a dry topic like finance to life, then the money will come gushing in. 

When boring and detailed blogs on financial education and budgeting turn interesting, there can be nothing more desirable.

Banks, Mortgage lenders, accounting firms, financial planning firms, investment companies spot writers who have the potential to educate their customers in a fun way.

The more you can attract and interest the reader with your writing, the better the chances of prospects being clients.  

Hence, the high demand for good writers is unimaginably accelerating.

2. Technology

If you love gadgets and technology gets you excited, then you can blindly select this niche to write on. A controvertibly rising industry, the graph is gaining momentum for this field. Hence, the demand for proficient writers in this field is also progressing with every ticking minute.

Everybody uses technical products, even when they are not so tech-savvy. 

It’s become a need.

You as a writer have to make these complex technicalities easy for consumers to understand. Your words will earn you a threshold of money. 

The niche has potential if the writer in you does.

3. Health

We all are getting health conscious. The fitness freak inside every individual wakes up every other day. From a healthy diet to a healthy routine, everybody wants to learn the improved ways to stay fit. 

A lot of bloggers run their profitable blogs in this field. You can opt to write for them. You can also choose to write for companies who make healthy products like eatables or fitness equipment. 

They look for writers who can explain the utilization of the products to their buyers in an elementary way.  

Research and you will learn that the niche is indeed promising.

4. Digital Marketing

No introduction needed, Digital Marketing is the present and future of this era. Traditional marketing taking hold, the digital world is ruling.

With this growing upsurge, almost every company is going digital. Hence all the companies are looking up to digital marketing companies to set their business online.  

These digital marketing companies lookout for writers who can create content to illustrate the products to their clients. 

Some sub-topics you will need to write about are Content marketing, Email marketing, Social media, Search engine optimization etc.

5. Education

This Niche is non-replaceable. Obtaining knowledge in any field happens through education. The credit of gaining expertise in a particular field is given to the writers who manage to explain concepts, which are easy to grasp.

You could be a feasible resource to people, who have online courses to sell, Universities, Colleges, Schools, Student loans lenders etc. 

People will never stop learning and if you are good with explaining concepts then the world is waiting for you. 

Please Note: Above are only a few of the niches you can select. However, any industry you select to write for can turn profitable for you. It solely depends on your knowledge and proficiency in that field. 

Just make it a point to give thorough research on the topic (Niche) you select and see if there is a market for it before you get deep into it.

After all, you are a content writer, and you will only be able to write on the Niche when there is a demand for it.

Alert: Do not delay the process of selecting a perfect niche. There is nothing like a perfect one. It only holds you back from kicking off your journey. Select the one that interests you and get started. 

And if you still feel it’s difficult to decide as of now, don’t worry. Leave it for the time being. As you move forward in your career, you will be able to judge for yourself.

Just get started.ence

STEP-3 of How to be a freelance writer with no experience


Often a question arises that should I find a client first or Write First? 

To answer this- You will only be able to find a client when you can tell them how good you are as a content writer. 

So you will need some samples in your kitty. 

Whether you want to start freelance writing or you are looking for a full-time job, you will need to showcase your writing skills. It helps them to make a decision, to hire you.

Writing samples can include- blog posts, landing page copy, books, emails, brochures, a magazine article, or any form of writing that you want to pursue in the long run.

I started by writing a blog post. 

For online writing, blog posts are the best representation of your writing ability.

I will tell you how to write a blog post from start to finish (as a beginner), so that you get going with your first sample and land your first writing gig.


Selecting a Topic

At times it feels like the most difficult part. What topic should I write about? Assuming that, still you have not decided on your Niche, what topic should you pick up to write a sample.

Google does it all.

  • Go to google search engine and type in the search bar- “Most commonly searched topic on google”
  • You will see Google trends in the search list- Click on it.
  • When you scroll down through the page of Google Trends, you will see a list of topics that are trending. 
  • Pick any one of the topics and start writing. 
  • Suggestion- “How to” articles work great for a blog post.
  • I wrote my first sample article on – “How to limit screen time for Kids”. 
  • Right now, as I am writing this article Coronavirus has hit the globe badly. So you could pick up something on that or any topic that you find interesting. 


Do not write a word, before completing your research. 

  • Type in the topic you have selected in google URL and read the first 5 articles that pop up in the organic search result.

(Organic search result- These are the articles that do not pay to google for appearing on the first page)

For example  – We have taken the topic – ”How to book flights online”.

When you type it in the search bar, there appears a window like this.

Organic search

  • The headings with the “Ad” icon indicate that they are paid ads. The headings below are Organic searches.
  • Read the top 5 articles of the organic listing. More probably read the articles written by other bloggers who have explained the process. 
  • Simultaneously, on a paper or a document, start listing down the points that you would like to include in your article. 
  • All the pointers, not necessarily in order, but should be there. This will help you in framing your article. 

Just keep in mind, your article should be better than the ones that are already turning up on the first page of Google.

After reading 4-5 articles on any topic, you will have all the required information that you will need to write an article. 

Framing of the Articlehow to 

The topic selected and research done. Now we come to framing our first article.


So was I. The “Firsts” of everything are exciting and very close to the heart. Remember your first crush 🙂

Anyways, no distractions, let’s get back on track.

1. Crafting an eye-catching headline

This is going to be one of your major tasks while working as a content writer. You cannot be an expert from day 1, but yes you should know what works in the market.

Here are some points to keep in mind while crafting a headline for yourself (sample/portfolio) or your client.

  • Using numbers in your articles- 

The Listicle articles like- “Top 10 writing courses in Delhi” or, “How to get 10k followers on youtube” work great. 

Moreover, numbers give the exact value you are giving your readers. The click-through rates of these articles are significantly more.

  • “How to” articles that show some benefit- 

People are learning – every day, every minute. The headline that starts with how to followed by a benefit that a user gets will get you going.

For example- “How to lull your baby in a way that he sleeps through the Night”.

The mothers who starve to get a proper night’s sleep will definitely click through the headline.

  • Making them afraid- 

You get them thinking -if whatever they are doing is wrong.

For example- 5 SEO practices you are doing wrong, that is stopping legit traffic” 

  • Surprise Them-

A statement that looks unbelievable or just phenomenal. After reading the headline, the only thing that should run inside your reader’s mind is “WHATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!”

For example- A 9-year-old boy built an app, that was sold for 2 billion dollars


  • Standing Out of the Box

If all the articles ranking on google on that topic are following the same format of a headline, find out how you can stand out from the herd. 

Only then will you be able to be seen. 

These are some of the tips for crafting a good headline. Just make sure that you fulfil your promise. The body of your article should give exactly what your headline promises.

2. Hook the Reader with your Introduction

If your heading was able to get a click-through, then the intro decides the reading score for you. If you are not able to hook your reader in the first 2-3 lines- you have lost him.  

Hence start with:

  • A strong researched fact or statistic
  • A question that the reader would like to find an answer for
  • A statement that he can empathize with

Make the first sentence as short as possible and then explain. The introduction should be a compelling conversation between you and your reader. Write as if you are telling a story, wherein your reader plays the protagonist. 

3. Harnessing the body, smoothening the way  

The body of the article must be a systematic representation of:

  • Subheadings- 

You should break your article into H2(Heading 2) and H3(Heading 3) sub-headings. This makes you as a writer stay on track and as a reader, the content looks more digestible.

Moreover, the content with sub-headings works great with SEO as well.

  • Bullet Points- 

Bullet points are a definite give-away. You love your readers, right!!! I love them too.

The brain is notorious and encourages the eyes to scan and take away only the highlights.

Reading a block of text can be a nightmare at times for the readers, but as pointers, it becomes easy to grasp the idea of what a writer intends to say, very clearly.

  • Engaging Text

Make sure that the content is communicative and is going with the flow. Do not jump to topics immediately. Also do not go off track. If your title says something, make sure you stick to that. 

4. A Revitalizing Conclusion

Store something worth reading for the conclusion. I am sure you would like to reward the person who came all along to read your full-length article. Not everybody does that. 

Moreover, the conclusion should give that desired boost, which they expected to get from your article. After all, it’s your reader that we are talking about. 

Enthral them wanting for more. 

Maybe the conclusion of your present article could be a pickup line or a strong inspiration for them to browse through your complete site, looking for added value.



Before you start writing 

Create a Blueprint for the Article and then tag along.

This blueprint consists of the structure. As mentioned above, you do your research and enlist things before you write. But before writing there are certain things you should keep in mind:

1. Target Audience (Buyer Persona)

Keep in mind the target audience, i.e for whom you are writing the post. Let’s take the example of my first blog post ‘How to limit screen time for Kids”. Here my target audience were Parents between the age of 25 to 40.

So when I was writing the article, I knew I was writing for them. This helps in setting the tone/voice of your article.

2. Set the Tone 

The tone of your blog post depends on your topic. It can be Serious, Humorous, Uplifting, Personable, Quirky or Authoritative.  

Say you are writing a review article on a Kids toy then the tone of your article becomes fun and uplifting. 

Set a tone and make sure you follow it throughout the post.

3. Structure of the Blogpost/ Article

Always start with a why. Why is the article being written? Narrate the problem. When you are doing this, it connects with your reader on the emotional front. 

Then you go ahead to tell them how that problem can be solved.

And finally, what solution do you have for them. You offer the product you want to sell- the ultimate solution to the problem.

The why, how and what is a part of storytelling, wherein your reader and you play the lead characters. Make it as engaging as possible.

4.  Readability of the Blog Post- 

While writing a blog post/ Article, here are some things that you should keep in mind to get better readability:

  • Use short sentences.
  • A paragraph should not be more than 2-3 lines
  • Do not use a very tough vocabulary. Not everybody is a walking dictionary. A simple language wherein a student of 6th standard can also understand your write-up should be your target. 
  • Use more of Active Voice than Passive Voice
  • Your headings or subheadings should not give away too much. It should be framed in a way that readers want to read what the sub-heading is about.  At times the writers summarize the sub-heading and then explain it. Do not do that.
  • The bullet points should be crisp and clear.

Above are a few pointers that can attract readers to read the content of your full article. After all, this is our ultimate destination, creating amazing content for our wonderful readers around the globe. 


Here are some of the tools that I use that help me in writing good articles.

  • Google Docs

This is where you can write your articles. If you do not have Ms office suite installed on your computer then this is your getaway.  

I prefer Google docs over MS Word for writing as it saves my content, as soon as I am writing it. I do not need to save the file again and again. In case my computer hangs, or the electricity goes off, I do not lose out on my hard work.

Here is where you will find it.

  1. Go to your mailbox and click on the 9 dots on the top right corner.
  2. You will see a drop-down, wherein a “docs” icon will be there. Click on it
  3. Open a Blank Document

Start writing.

Very easy to use, it works somewhat like Ms Word only. From inserting Headings- Sub-headings, pointers, links and images.

Everything happens with just a click.

  • Grammarly

This is a tool that is used for checking grammar, punctuation and spelling. You can install this application as a chrome extension, in your browser. 

  1. Simply type in “Grammarly chrome extension”,  in Google and click enter.
  2. You will see Grammarly for Chrome in the list. Click on it.
  3. Click on “Add to Chrome
  4. After the required loading, a pop up will come wherein you need to click on Add Extension.
  5. Then tt will ask you to sign up. Sign up with your e-mail id
  6. As soon as you sign up, the Grammarly Chrome extension will appear on your browser.

Now your Grammarly account is ready. 

The extension checks your grammar along the way when you are writing a text on your google docs or your mails.

It’s a super-effective way to get your writing in check. 

  • Hemmingway

The content you write should be so simple that a student of 5th standard or 6th standard should be able to read and understand it.  Short sentences and paragraphs are the keys to writing better copies of content.

The Hemmingway app keeps all of this in check. The app highlights all the places where the readability of the content gets hampered. 

It gives you the right suggestions in the right places. It’s a very convenient and go-to app for a huge number of content writers out there in the market.

Type in Hemmingway editor on the google search bar. The first listicle is what we are talking about. Click on it and a page will appear. 

Just copy-paste your content on the editor and change your text according to the suggestions.

  • Canva

It is a platform that is used to create images. Especially when you are writing blog posts, it helps.

Just imagine a long blog post that is filled with text and text only. To keep the reader hooked and satiated with your content, using images is a very good option.

Especially, if you are planning to run your website in the future, it will save you tons of money.

You can build a logo, blog banners, pictures, cover pages, newsletters, website landing pages- all of it on your own, with the help of Canva. 

In the initial stages of your career, the free version will suffice for your requirements. It works great.

Just explore the website once and you will be able to frame out how easy it is to use.

step-4 of How to be a freelance writer with no experience


Don’t Panic. It’s very easy. Trust me on this.

You have entered a field wherein you cannot keep technology at bay. A little knowledge of SEO will get you places. It is a mandate if you are writing a piece that needs to be published online. 

It could be a Blog post, Article, Product Description, Website Content etc.

You cannot run from it, so why not learn the art?.

  • Keywords Analysis

What are Keywords?

Keywords are the words that you type in the search bar of Google (or any search engine) when you are looking for a piece of information. 

Example: If I am looking out to buy a washing machine and I want to know the best washing machine available in the market.

So, whatever I type in google is called a “Keyword”.


After pressing enter, google shows me relevant articles, related to my search.

Thus, if we are framing an article on something, then it should have relevant keywords, in the content of the article. 

Google understands your content through the incorporated Keywords and accordingly ranks your article on its pages, for the people to read.

How to Find Keywords?

I use a free tool for finding the Keywords called Google Keyword Planner. 

Google Keyword Planner will be your escape route for all the keyword related issues in the near future. Let’s see how we work on it.

  1. Type Google Keyword Planner on the Google search bar and press enter. 

Click on the first link which reads-

  1. Sign in with your e-mail id.
  1. After you put in your e-mail Id and password. You click on the New google ads account.
  1. Then you click on Switch to Expert Mode.
  1. Click on Continue
  1. Then Click on Submit.
  1. Next you click on Explore your Account
  1. Click on settings and then click- switch to expert mode.

After this setup, you are done with opening a free account with google, to explore Keyword Planner. 

Now every time you open, in your search bar, a window will pop up.

  1. Click on tools.
  1. Then click on Keyword Planner
  1. Click on Discover New Keywords
  1. Now whatever is your topic, write it there. 

Let us take our previous example of washing machines. Suppose we are writing an article on “The best washing machines in India”. We type it there and click on get results.

  1. Finally, it will list down all the keywords that the topic can have.

You can get an idea of Keywords from this Keyword generator and use them in your article accordingly.

  • Other SEO practices

  • You should be using the main keyword at least 5 times in a 1000 word article.
  • In a blog post you should hyperlink at least 1 website which ranks well on google.
  • The article should be Plagiarism free. 100% original content is what is accepted.
  • You should back your theories in the article with properly researched websites. 

Though the above are not the only SEO practices to follow, still if you know a bit of the above, especially the usage of Keywords, things will start moving for you.

Rest you can learn along the way.

However, there is a plugin that I use that helps me get the SEO of my posts. on track:

  • Yoast SEO

It is a plugin for WordPress. It will be helpful when you start running your website.

I mention this here, so that in the future if you want to enhance your SEO skills then this can serve as a reminder.

By far I have not experienced a better SEO plugin than this one.

Besides a green signal for SEO related issues, it also tells your readability score and suggestions on how you can improve it. 

A must-try plugin for getting all your pages and blogs SEO optimized on the WordPress editor itself.

how to be a Freelance Writer with no experience

STEP-5 OF How to be a freelance writer with no experience


Keeping the above pointers/suggestions in mind, write at least 3-4 sample articles. When you are done writing then come to this section, wherein we will discuss how to create your portfolio.

After writing your article, you will want people to read what you have written. Moreover, when you will be approaching clients to write for them, you will need a professional portfolio to showcase your skills. 

The most probable question that will automatically pop up is:

Why can’t I share my google doc links or word files as samples, with my clients?

Of course, you can. But sharing word files with clients makes you look too unprofessional. It screams out loud that you are a newbie and have no experience in writing.

Thus, good clients may run away from you to those writers who are more presentable.

No worries, I have a way out for this.

1. Create a free portfolio on

This is the platform where you can publish your articles for free. Just log in to and sign- up with your e-mail id and password. 

Immediately your account is created, and you can post as many articles as you want. 

Thereby, you can share the link of your medium profile with your prospective clients. This is a professional way to showcase your writing skills.  

I made my first writing portfolio on Medium. Check it out here.

Other places where you can make your portfolio are Contently or LinkedIn.

2. Invest in a Website

This is the best thing you will be doing for yourself. If you want to become a Freelance Writer, then owning your own writer’s website will help you with a great deal in the long run. 

You might be wondering,

  • Why should I invest in a website at such an early stage of my writing career?

No compulsions though. 

But it has its legit reasons.

A website is where you start establishing yourself as a brand from the initial stages of your career. 

You can start blogging on your website. The website contains one page called the portfolio, that demonstrates your writing experience as well.

So you come to be known as a blogger and content writer, giving your career the needed exposure.

Down the line, showcase only the best pieces that you might have written for your clients till that date, on your portfolio page.

Please note- Your writing portfolio can consist of any type of content (case studies, product descriptions, white papers etc) that you want to get paid for. 

Whatever you are comfortable writing go-ahead to showcase the same, to the world.

To sum up, your writer website has 2 main pages:

  1. Portfolio page- Wherein you insert links to the articles that you have written for your clients.
  2. Blog page – Wherein you can write blogs for your website for better reachability.

  • Even if I invest in a website, I still have no clients to write for. How will I fill my writing portfolio page? 

The best way is to Guest post.

What is that?

Guest post is writing a piece of article for another website.  Your article gets published in your name, on someone else’s website and thus for a different set of audiences.

Some bloggers take money for the same, but mostly it’s a free opportunity.

By the time you reach here, you might have written an article or two. You know the basics of writing and will be able to manage some guest postings.

  • How to guest post?

  1. Find the right opportunity.

Let’s Google it.

Decide on a Niche in your mind and type- niche + write for us.

Example: We pick Digital Marketing as our niche. So this is how we run the Google search. 

You can search for multiple niches and the opportunities will be there right in front of you.

  1. Thoroughly reading the guidelines of their requirements

Make sure to read the guidelines for every website that you apply for. They have all the Do’s and Don’ts of the article that they will expect you to write. Do not miss out on any aspect. 

  1. Create a cover letter for the e-mail  

Based on the guidelines- frame an article with its headings, sub-headings and some context of what kind of an article would you like to write for them.

Then, write an email to them with the framework you just created.

Also write to them that you would like to guest post for their website. 

Suggestion- Research more on how to draft a pitch, while requesting a guest post.

  1. Write the Blog post and Submit

Once you hear back from them, write the article based on the guidelines and submit it. They can ask you to re-edit some portions. Do that and wait till it gets published on their website.

  1. Fill your portfolio page

Only one guest will not suffice. Do write a few of them till you see a decent number of posts on your portfolio. They should be good enough to crack your first client.

Remember- Not everybody that you write an email for guest posting will accept your offer. Do not get disheartened. Just continue pursuing and there will be ones, who will be ready to accept what you have to offer.

STEP-6 OF How to be a freelance writer with no experience


You have now created a decent portfolio to showcase your writing skills. Let’s kick-start and get ready to enter the market.

This is where you start your journey as a freelance writer.

Let’s dig into 9 practical ways on how to find a freelance writing job (As a Beginner)

1. Cold Pitching 

One of the most fabulous ways to find a freelancing job.

Research and locate some probable prospects like entrepreneurs, small businesses, bloggers, Startups etc. Reach out to them informing them that you are a content writer. Tell them how your services can help them increase their business.

Sounds terrifying? 

In fact, it is very easy. A lot of organizations do not have a website to date. 

Some of them have amazing products but do not know how to increase their reachability.

You can be their guiding force.

Just make sure, the mail you are sending reaches the right point of contact or the decision making authority.

Finding the right contact can be cumbersome, but who knows? Maybe it has the capability of giving your career the much-needed twist.

2. Applying to jobs on Portals like Naukri and Indeed

This is one of the straightforward ways to land into content writing. Companies post ads in these job portals as per their requirement.

Their requirement could be anything from a freelance writer, part-time content writer to a full-time regular one.

Apply to these job postings and get things moving. Several ads are posted every other day. Keep an eye on them. 

Moreover, you can subscribe to these portals and they send you an alert in your mailbox, if an opening (as per your requisite), has been posted on the site. 

Other sites you can consider are Timesjobs and Monster Jobs

3. Internshala

Since you are starting as a Fresher, there is this website named Internshala. Here companies post their requirements of a content writer that they would like to hire as an intern.

If you would like to polish your skills then working with one of such companies can be considered.

The stipend as an intern goes from 0 to 15000 Rs. depending on the company standards. 

The internship duration is between 2-6 months. This is enough time to learn and get trained.

It’s a legit platform and if you manage to get through, it can be a stepping stone in your career.

4. Facebook Groups

There are many Facebook groups exclusively made for content writers, where writers and clients can connect. 

Join these Facebook groups. They are a goldmine for freelance content writing gigs. 

Just a suggestion- research the clients before going ahead to work with them. Be extremely careful if they ask you for a free writing sample.

Converse with them over an e-mail or WhatsApp. Ask for a payment before you submit the article. We do not want ourselves to get scammed.

Even though there can be a lot of legit and valuable clients seeking good writers, scammers can spoil the show. 

Therefore be careful.

5. Ask your Friends and Professional Network

Maybe this sounds like a no-brainer, but maybe someone is looking out for a content writer all around, while you are standing right under their nose. 

You don’t want them repenting that they would have given you the job had they known that you started with content writing.

Though this depends totally on luck. But worth taking a chance.

Contacts work great. Especially if you had been working for some organization. 

Inform all your colleagues, friends, bosses and clients. Maybe your first client turns out to be a friend only, who willingly gives you an awesome and revolutionary testimonial for your writing. 

Remember, when people know that you exist and are doing a particular thing, only then will they be able to hire you, should they need your services.  

6. Network with other freelance writers

Create a network of your community of content writers. Sometimes, writers are overburdened with work. That is the time they can divert the client towards you. 

This is again a very good way to get some legit work from esteemed clients.

You can return the favour when the tables turn around. Thereby you help each other grow in the field.

7. Post that you are for hire on your networking platforms 

Again, this works on the concept of -let people know. 

On your networking platforms (like LinkedIn etc), post that you are for hire. Moreover, post the same on your writers’ website and other places where you are registered for networking with people.

People will only give an opportunity when they know that your doors are open to accepting the same.

8. LinkedIn Job ads

Did you know that LinkedIn, other than networking, has a job portal as well? This is the platform where the most legit job opportunities are posted.

From small entrepreneurs to the biggest sharks, you will find them all over here. 

Regularly check this site and the job section. Apply to the jobs that suit your eligibility and let them get back to you.

9. Network with Digital Marketers and Graphic Designers

Content Writing is a part of Digital Marketing. Freelance digital marketers and graphic designers can refer you to their clients if they require a content writer and ask them for a reference.

Clients rely and trust more on referred freelancers than get into the market and search for one on their own. 

I would only suggest that, expand your network to the maximum you can. The more you are known, the more are your chances of getting hired. 

Summing it up, 

If you manage to get your hands on all or some of the platforms above, I can 100% guarantee that you will land your first writing gig for sure. 

A simple rule of thumb says that when you are standing out there in the open. You will definitely catch someone’s attention. 

It’s only a matter of your first writing gig. Thereafter, the road will be smooth enough to walk on. 

Skills to become a writer


1. Write Daily- Consistency is the key

Any job you pick up, asks for consistency. Believe me, if you are consistent enough then you will be able to beat a lot of talented writers behind. 

Writing a piece daily improves your writing skills. You will be able to see the difference and judge for yourself. Just pick up a piece that you wrote on the first day and then a piece you wrote on the 30th day. 

Your writing will speak for itself. Moreover, your brain gets trained to work creatively, at that specific time of the day.

Don’t believe me? Give it a try

2. Build your Brand how to become a Freelance Writer with no experience

You might freak out at this. How can I build a brand name at this stage?

I am not telling you to spend oodles of money and ask Sharukh to announce you as a Content Writer on tv. 😊. Wish I could do that.

It’s only about letting people know that somebody like you exists in the market as a Content Writer. Only then you will be able to crack your first client and more.

Moreover, we are talking about the future, it will take time for you to develop as a writer and so will your brand, why not start working on it from now. 

You are a talented writer, don’t you want to have an audience waiting for you to publish your next writeup? Hence build an email list, call out to people to follow you on social media and do whatever it takes to create your audience.

3. Have Patience- It’s a long way

You recognize it’s a long journey, so have patience. You will have those frustrating days when it feels that things are not working and you relatively want to quit. Just sit back and relax. 

Until you have a very pressing financial need, don’t let anything else stop you to develop as a budding writer. 

Not every day you will find yourself getting paid for your writing, but yes you will see yourself writing every day.

The times you have clients, write as per the protocols intended and the way they want an article written.  But at times when you do not have anything in hand, write what you feel like writing.

You know, words do magic, and you have that power. Write it and post it for the world to read.

You never know you become the reason, for a smile, inspiration or just a moment of happiness for someone.

You are just increasing your set of audience and your brand value. They are the people who will later invest in the next big thing of your future.

4. Waiting for that perfect Article

Most often it happens that you write a piece of content but are not confident enough to post it for the readers to read. You want to make it perfect and then launch yourself.

Let me burst that bubble. Frankly, something written is better than waiting for a thing to be perfectly written. 

Every day there is a race and nobody will wait for you to become perfect. Competition is increasing every second. Start and enter today,

Moreover, nobody is born perfect. Everybody makes mistakes along the way. 

Start your journey now.

5. Should welcome negative feedback 

Don’t be scared of what others will say. Welcome negative feedback with open arms. Moreover, in the initial stages, you should look forward to that. They are the only source that tells you where you are going wrong.

Take it all in and make a promise that your next piece of content will be devoid of those mistakes. 

A doctor can treat a patient only when he comes to know the disease. The same happens with your content. 

Negative comments act as indicators of where your content needs improvement.  It is a blessing in disguise. We are working towards a better future for ourselves, critical feedback is a must.

6. Know the art to write for platforms in different voices

Content has many forms. Blog posts, case studies, technical writing, Product descriptions, Fiction writing etc. 

The audience for different forms of content is also different. 

Say you are writing a review article for a video game, then your audience is children between 9-12. And if you write an article on marketing strategies then your audience is professionals between 22- 40.

The tone of the first will be uplifting and chirpy while for the latter it will be professional. Just imagine the vice-versa.

Absurd! Right.

Thus, a writer should be able to write articles in different voices to do full justice to the write-up.

7. Storytelling is an art that every writer needs to learn

The engagement of your readers is the vital destination of any writer. This is achieved through Storytelling.

Everyone loves to read stories. They are the main reasons for your readers to get hooked to your text.

If my math problems were explained to me through storytelling, I guess I would have loved the subject. But hard luck.

Just trying to make it clear that storytelling has a very great impact. Hard and complicated things can be easily explained. Thus, as a writer, if you master this art then, it will get things easier for you.

8. Learn and Work on the opening sentences of any write-up

Opening sentences are tricky. The reader leaves without reading your masterpiece if the first few lines were not able to attract him enough to tag along.

Your whole effort comes to be a waste. 

Work on the opening lines of all kinds of articles you write.  At times it may take you an equal amount of time to think of the opening line versus writing the complete article.

It’s worth it. Your audience has a lot of content out there to read. There is no scarcity. You need to beat your competition to gain your readers’ attention. Mind it, you have only a few seconds for that.

9. A reader’s time is important- Knife out the irrelevant

When you are editing a post before publishing. Read it, as if you are sitting with a Knife to slash out whatever is irrelevant or repeated. 

Your readers deserve the best piece. Any irrelevant or repeated sentences will only have them wasting their time and getting confused.

Have mercy and slice it down. Your content will look all the more better and presentable.

P.S.- There is a YouTube channel run by Khalil Ullah Khan, who makes amazing videos and teaches newbies how to start writing as content writers. I strongly recommend him. Thank me later for this tip later.

how to be a freelance Writer with no experience

Frequently Asked Questions On How to become a content writer


• What is the difference between a Content Writer and a Copywriter?

A content writer and a copywriter, write for different purposes.

Content writers write informational content with the intent of educating the audience whereas a copywriter writes to intrigue sales. 

Content Writing is writing a long-form of Content that requires research and protocols/formats to be followed, whereas copywriting is writing a short form of content, on the creative front. A presence of mind merged with a witty instinct is what copywriting is all about.

Examples of content Writing include- Blog posts, website content, Article writing, White papers, case studies etc.

Examples of Copywriting include- Ads, Slogans, Taglines, sales letters etc. 

• Is content writing a good career?

Yes, it is a good career, but only for those who know how to effectively express themselves through words. 

Along with that a decent vocabulary and grammar is a must required skill set. 

If you have the patience to write long forms of content, with good research skills then content writing will turn out to be a good career option for you. 

Moreover, if you want to check its scope, then search for agencies that provide all sorts of content writing solutions to reputed companies and are making big profits.

If you are good in this field, the sky’s the limit for you. 

• What is the qualification of a content writer?

Individuals with Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree in Journalism or Literature have an advantage, but nowadays, content writing is more niche specific.

You come from any background but have a flair for writing, then there is a space for you. Everywhere there is a requirement for content writers who can explain complex things in easy-to-understand formats. 

So even if you have a background in engineering and want to enter content writing, then you have a scope as a content writer in that niche.

Thus, qualification is not a hindrance if you are good with writing, expressing, vocabulary and grammar. 

• Is content writing a stressful Job?

Not as easy as you want it to be and not as stressful as you think it can be. Nothing is complicated or stressful if you know how to manage it well. 

Content Writing has various strategies to be followed. It is a skill you need to learn. Once you get a command on the skills required for a content writing job, it will never be stressful for you.

Moreover, I feel, a lot of writers who choose content writing as a career enjoy their work. They love writing, so the word stress stands void over here.

Though at times tight deadlines can get a writer to work on his toes, but beyond that, I will not consider the work stressful if you like doing it. 

• How is life as a content writer?

Life as a content writer is enthusiastic and easy going. As a content writer myself, I am content with my life. 

Even after hours of continuous writing, I do not feel heavy or feel my eyes drooping. And I certainly do not remember a time when I got frustrated with it. 

Every writing project comes as a challenge to me. With fresh vigor, I am always ready to give my best. I feel assured that it will give me a new experience.

Learning new words, phrases or idioms certainly gets my eyes twinkling rather than hard to grasp numbers.

At times, work can be erratic and inconsistent. But that does not stop me from writing. I write whatever I like and air it live for the world to read.  

• What content writing course is best?

A lot of free courses are out there, on the internet. With everybody claiming to be the best, it certainly is difficult to understand which one to go for. 

I suggest you go in for a free online course for Content Writing that Hubspot has to offer. 

Moreover, a lot of information is already present there on the internet in the form of blogs and Youtube videos. 

You will find an answer to all your questions.

But still, if you are looking out to opt for a paid course, then kindly wait for some time, read the articles of various bloggers. Whichever articles you feel have value and they provide a course as well. you can choose to take a course with them.

I strongly feel, more than a course, work hard to get a job. Live training on the job will give you better results than any course. 

• What is SEO Content Writing?

The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization.  SEO Writing means, the content you write should be optimized in a way that the Search Engines (Like Google) can find it and rank it accordingly on SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

SEO has a wide and detailed scope. A few of the tactics include:

  • Proper density of Keywords and Phrases in the content.
  • Readability should be easy.
  • Content should be original (Plagiarism free)
  • Content should have proper Context.
  • Inclusion of Proper Headings and Subheadings
  • The meta description should be framed in line with the headings and keywords 

• How much can a content writer earn in a day?

It depends on the stage you are in your career. While a beginner can earn anything between 8000 to 15000, the experienced ones have no limits.

It depends on your skillset and the kind of clients you are working with. 

• How much can a content writer write in a day?

If a writer has a very good speed and knows the topics very well then 6 to 7 articles can be written a day. 

Moreover, it depends on the topic. A lot of topics take a lot of time to research. Framing the articles, deciding on headings and subheadings for some become a time-consuming task. At times, the right words for a header do not click.

So, how much can a writer write in a day cannot be judged? It depends.

how to be a Freelance Writer with no experience

signing off

Finally, we have come to the end of this huge tutorial. Believe me, if you have managed to read through the whole post, you have already taken your first step towards your writing career.

Not many come to this point.

Content writing in the initial stages can look challenging but slowly and steadily when you start learning the game, you will not be able to resist it.

Remember, Rome was not formed in one day and so will not be your career. It’s a process. Learn the rules of the game and then strategize to beat your competitors. There is nothing right and nothing wrong if the rules are being followed.  

Fall in love with writing if you haven’t already. 

With so much competition already there I know it’s going to be tough, hence plan strategically. Enter a niche wherein there is a scarcity of writers. Believe me, those niches exist.

The first plus point with you is that you are a blank slate as of now and you can guide your brain in any direction you want. 

It all depends on you. A lot of people believe that freelancing does not pay well.  What I feel is that it all depends on the Freelancer. 

Never generalize. What might work for you may not work for the others out there. 

It’s your journey, you decide what is to be done. 

Write to me in the comments below, if you managed to do something after reading this post. I will love to see you grow and hear your accomplishments.

All the best for your career.

how to be a Freelance Writer with no experience

11 thoughts on “How to Be a Freelance Writer With No Experience – A Complete Guide”

  1. very resourceful and impressive website.thanks a million for the content writing blog .its a blessing for passionate newcomer writers .it has indeed made an impact on ,me as .now i know what is content writing all about

  2. Pingback: How to write a case study- 8 step cheat sheet to bell the cat

  3. Pingback: 5 Surprising Benefits of Hiring Content Writing Services in Mumbai #3 will Astound You!!

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